The Perfect Neighbor 3 suns
In the U.S. Documentary category comes a documentary dealing with a subject that plagues America; that is, the proliferation of guns and the violence inflicted on our neighborhoods. In particular, is the use of Stand Your Ground laws that excuses the use of guns to settle disputes. Everyone remembers the 2023 case in Marion County, Florida of a young black mother being shot to death by her neighbor, an older white woman. The neighbor shot her through her own locked door as the mother was responding to the way her children were being treated by the woman as they played in the open lot next door. The filmmakers tell the entire story using police bodycam footage of their many interactions with the woman and the neighbors over a period of many months. The woman made numerous calls to the police to report the noisy children and the police had many responses and meetings with her. We get to see how the situation went on and on until it finally escalated in the death of Ajike Owens, the young mother. The movie is painful to watch as the dangers go unrecognized and especially upon seeing the reactions of the family when they realize that Ajike is gone. At the end a graphic explains how the passage of Stand Your Ground laws has led to an increase in gun deaths in the states where they were enacted. While it is a compelling story, the use of the police footage almost exclusively does get to be repetitive. After the film, the filmmakers and friends and family of Ajike were present for Q & A. The director, Geeta Gandbhir is a renowned filmmaker who also happened to be friends with the affected family. She almost immediately sought to document the event after the tragedy happened. The presence of the friends and Ajike’s mother at the showing emphasized just how real these events are and how devastating it is to the family. Four small children are now left without a mother because of the thoughtless actions of one individual. The film ends showing that the shooter was sentenced to 25 years for her crime.