Sometimes I Think About Dying

Sometimes I Think About Dying  4 stars

Despite the title this movie has a very positive message.  It is a close look at the life and private thoughts of its main character, Fran, a young woman working in a small seaside town in Oregon.  Daisy Ridley stars as the woman who seems to have a rather dull life working in a small office,  only interacting with her coworkers when needed.  The movie starts by showing her normal work and home routine using long stretches of silence,  but blended in are private scenes that convey her thoughts about death or ways to die. One day a new worker, a man in his forties joins the team and he and Fran make a connection and arrange to see each other from time to time.  They find that there are more things that they don’t have in common than things they do,  which leads to some awkward moments in their conversations. Both of the characters are driven to express honest thoughts that can be hurtful.  The film conveys a message of acceptance of others despite the differences we have.  I should also emphasize that Fran’s thoughts on death do not represent any suicidal tendencies.  They are a way of showing the private thoughts we have that are hidden from the outside world. For Ridley this is a real departure from her work on the Star Wars movies. It is one to check out if you find it.