Against the Tide

Against the Tide  4 1/2 stars!

The second movie was a documentary from India called Against the Tide. This was some superior filmmaking by an Indian woman director.  Her subjects were two close friends from Bombay,  India who belong to the Koli community.  They both struggle to make a living by fishing according to their traditions,  but face the challenges of a dwindling stock of fish in the ocean and increased competition.  The director wanted to convey just how hard it is for them to make a profit and feed their families and she definitely succeeds.  The two have very different approaches to running their businesses.  One tries to use modern fishing practices with a large boat and crew, fishing in deep water fast from shore,  while the other uses a small boat with only a few hands and stays in shallow water. The conclusion is that either way the fishermen barely can stay afloat while trying to support a wife and their small children.  I found it amazing that the subjects put so much trust in the filmmaker when it exposes the internal disagreements in their families.  It is informative to see the conditions of poverty that these businessmen are fighting against.  We also get exposure to the illegal practice of fishing with lights at night in order to increase the size of the catch. I had seen stories about this before. So far Against the Tide gets my vote for the best documentary.